Plot Your Route to a Comfortable Retirement Destination

The retirement of your dreams awaits, but without prudent planning, you may fall short. The seasoned advisors at Grove Financial Group recognize most Americans underestimate how much they’ll need in retirement savings by up to $750,000. We provide roadmaps helping you generate reliable income streams so you can retire on your terms.

First, we’ll have an open conversation about your vision for these golden years. Do you plan to travel? Spoil grandchildren? Take up new hobbies that require equipment or club memberships? Understanding your goals informs suitable strategies and just how far your savings need to stretch.

Next, we’ll explore optimizing social security claiming strategies, creating guaranteed income floors through annuities, and lining up health savings accounts for future medical expenses. We also examine ways to utilize home equity, such as reverse mortgages.

For investments, we review asset allocation across your 401(k)s, IRAs, brokerages and other accounts. Roth IRA and IRA rollover options may provide certain tax advantages too. Our guidance on portfolio performance helps your rate of return outpace inflation.

As you enter the home stretch to retirement, confirm your math still aligns with the lifestyle you envision. We regularly run projections and suggest mid-course corrections when needed. Consider us your co-pilots making sure you safely arrive to your destination.

Break free of retirement shortfall stresses. Are you turning 65 and retiring? Create a better tomorrow by calling Grove Financial Group to help you map out a flexible strategy built just for you. Our expertise takes the guesswork out of planning, leaving you empowered about your future. Set your sights on the horizon. Your dreams await! Schedule a discovery call with us today!

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